United Unions Headquarters Garage Repairs

The United Unions Headquarters building, constructed in 1970, is located at 1750 New York Avenue NW where daily traffic flow is heavy due to surrounding one-way streets and close proximity to The White House. The three-level 220,000 SF underground parking garage comprises two levels of elevated concrete construction with mat slab construction at the lowest level. McMullan assessed and quantified ongoing concrete deterioration and determined that the most cost-effective repair would be for the removal of existing concrete deterioration by hydro-demolition, a new concrete overlay, improved slab drainage, and a traffic bearing waterproof membrane.

In addition to structural design, McMullan provided bid advertising services and full-time construction monitoring. This helped control quantities of expended unit price items. Furthermore, it facilitated a smooth sequencing between multiple construction phases of shared garage access with monthly parking account holders to prevent construction delays.

Washington, DC

United Unions, Inc.

McMullan & Associates

General Contractor
Restoration East, LLC